Store your private key with Anonybit and never worry about losing access to your digital wallet again.

About 20% of bitcoin is locked in lost or abandoned wallets because there is no way to recover them. Don’t be the next victim.

No more writing your backup passphrase on a paper or storing it in a cold wallet that can be left behind. With Anonybit, you will always have access to your digital wallet, regardless of which device you are using.


The Anonybit Genie protects private keys and digital assets, making it fast and easy to recover them whenever you need.

One of the main hurdles to widespread crypto adoption is the lack of an account recovery mechanism if the backup passphrase to the digital wallet is lost or forgotten. By combining Anonybit’s decentralized data vault and passwordless authentication capabilities, our Wallet Recovery solution makes lost and unrecoverable wallets a thing of the past. 

  • Store the private key in a decentralized manner with in the Decentralized Cloud and use your selfie to retrieve it from any device.
  • Elect to retrieve the passphrase in visible form or auto populate a field in masked form.

Harness the power of decentralized biometrics

to secure your digital assets

With digital wallet fraud soaring despite $23 billion being spent on cybersecurity this year alone, it is clear that the current approach to identity management is not working. With Anonybit, you can be confident you are closing the gaps that attackers exploit.

The Anonybit Genie is the only end to end identity platform with a privacy-by-design core. All other solutions either address only one aspect of identity or they have centralized backends. We eliminate the tradeoffs.

Anonybit Genie Features 

  • Integrated modules to support KYC/AML, credential issuance, binding and downstream authentication
  • Enables easy compliance with data protection regulations
  • Stores backup passphrases and credentials to access digital wallets from any device
  • No code integration options enables set up in minutes!

Anonybit Genie Benefits

  • Binds the selfie captured in KYC/AML to the wallet and backup passphrase
  • Multiple deployment options including Native, SAML and Out of Band (no code) 
  • Leverages the Anonybit Decentralized Cloud to store backup passphrases and wallet credentials
  • Supports passwordless authentication for wallet access, passphrase retrieval and asset binding

network background anonybit

Our state of the art decentralized architecture powers the Anonybit Genie to support the entire identity lifecycle - from digital onboarding to downstream authentication - and across any device or application.


See why these industry leaders see us as their trusted solution for digital security and user privacy.

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Travis Jarae

Founder & CEO of Liminal, the digital identity strategy firm

One to many decentralized matching is an important capability to enhancing the privacy and security of identity systems.

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Dr. Mohamed Lazzouni

Chief Technology Officer at Aware

"Anonybit tackles a key issue for biometric implementations – how to secure the biometric template. In an age of privacy first, their approach promises to address the need for greater data protection and frictionless identity assurance. We are delighted to be partnering with them to deliver privacy-preserving identity management solutions to the market."

Eliminate fraud and account takeover attacks once and for all.  

Personal data is stored in central honeypots that are impossible to protect. Then that data is used for authentication for every day transactions and applications. It’s no wonder we are in a never ending fraud cycle. 

Anonybit’s end to end passwordless authentication platform ensures a consistent, persistent biometric across the user journey - from digital onboarding all the way to account recovery, closing the gaps that attackers exploit.

Contact us today to learn how to leverage Anonybit decentralized biometrics for Wallet Recovery today.