Personal data is at the heart of the customer relationship.

Retailers collect personal data to enhance the customer experience but unfortunately, oftentimes become victims of data breaches — compromising trust and brand affinity. 

The risk grows every time your customers:

  • Sign up for VIP and loyalty programs and self service experiences
  • Redeem reward points and log into accounts
  • Provide payment information and make purchases

A disconnect exists between data collection and data protection...

We are not doing a good job. Personal data is kept in central honeypots and identity management processes are completely disjointed. This about how your customers currently identify themselves, either in-store or in your app:

    • There’s a reliance on multiple points of data collection through websites, emails, forms and social media
    • Data is managed by different departments, without protocols or connections, creating silos
    • Fraud and breaches cause customers to leave and never come back
    • Employees aren’t equipped to handle customer data securely and are also vulnerable to phishing and identity theft

And that’s why we’ve designed our platform with the privacy, security and the customer journey in mind.


Consider the status quo. It is time for change and to build financial services based on trusted identities.

  • 59% of identity fraud victims experienced total account takeover in 2021.
  • Identity fraud whereIdentity fraud where criminals opened a new account using a person’s PII affected 4.9 million victims in 2021. criminals opened a new account using a person’s PII affected 4.9 million victims in 2021.
  • Identity fraud involving existing checking, savings, insurance or other accounts increased73 percent from 2020 to 2021 and totaled $7.8 billion.
  • Fraud involving existing credit cards increased 69 percent and cost consumers an estimated $9.3 billion.

Implement the Anonybit Genie for Retail

We enable consistent decentralized biometrics to be leveraged across the customer journey.

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ID Verification

User creates account.

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Biometric Registration

User selfie gets ingested into the Anonybit decentralized cloud.

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Account Access

User makes payment or accesses loyalty account using Anonybit biometric MFA.

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Account Recovery

User steps up to the Anonybit decentralized cloud for added protection.


The Anonybit Genie solves acute identity management problems that retailers face.


Biometric Passwordless Authentication

  • State of the art biometric MFA with built-in liveness detection ensures people are who they claim to be at the point of service
  • Decentralized biometrics prevents attackers from using stolen data to take over accounts and loyalty points
  • Single, modular platform supports a variety of use cases including in-store touchless payments, online payments, loyalty redemption and more


Decentralized Data Vault

  • Patent-pending technique eliminates the need for storage of biometrics, reducing data protection risk and enhancing compliance with privacy regulations
  • Backend support for all biometrics and other PII that is collected as part of the account registration process
  • Built-in to the Anonybit Genie for turnkey implementation via APIs, SDKs and SAML integrations into retail digital platforms

The Anonybit Genie provides unparalleled benefits for Retailers

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Device Independent

Works across devices. Not susceptible to device takeover, unlike traditional solutions that fall back to PINs, and KBA.

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Privacy-By- Design

No central honeypots for maximum data protection. Nothing for hackers to find and nothing for hackers to steal.

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Multiple Use Cases

Supports all modalities and third party-algorithms for different identity management needs across the enterprise.

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Closed Circle of Identity

Connects onboarding to access and account recovery to close the gaps exploited by attackers in the authentication process.

We work with our partners to enable privacy-by-design solutions.

Whether you’re an application developer or a solution provider working in banking, payments, fintech, web3, retail or healthcare....
  • Leverage our decentralized biometrics cloud to create a privacy-by-design solution that helps your clients comply with the latest data protection regulations.
  • Integrate our turnkey passwordless authentication platform to enable the circle of identity and close the gaps across all customer service channels that attackers exploit.
  • Eliminate central honeypots and the tradeoffs that are typically made between privacy, security, user experience and cost with an off-the-shelf solution that addresses privacy and data protection head on.

Retailers: Have your cake and eat it too. Privacy, security and stellar customer experience. 

  • Leverage biometrics to deliver hyper personalized services
  • Avoid central honeypots of personal data while maintaining full regulatory compliance
  • Elevate your brand with a high degree of customer trust

Fill out the form to the right and get in touch with our solutions team today.