This Privacy Policy ("Privacy Policy") explains how information is collected and used by Anonybit, Inc. ("Anonybit" or "we", "us", "our").

This Privacy Policy applies to the following:

  1. The data practices on the Anonybit website at io ("Website").
  2. Anonybit’s practices with respect to the SaaS (the "Service") that Anonybit provides its customers ("Businesses"). As background, the Service offers Businesses a de-centralized identity storage and authentication solution.

We are committed to protecting and respecting data privacy. Please read this Privacy Policy carefully.


We collect and process your contact information and billing information when you send us an inquiry or engage us to use our Service

You may contact us through our Website’s contact-us form, or by e-mail to When a representative of a Business wishes to use our Service, we collect that person’s contact details such as full name, email address, and information relating to the engagement between us and the Business. We will also collect, if necessary, payment information such as credit card or bank account information in order to bill for the Services. We refer to this as “Contact Information”.

You do not have a legal obligation to provide us with your Contact Information. However, if you choose to not share this information with us, we may not be able to respond to your inquiry or offer you the Service.

We also collect analytics information about your use of the Website

When you visit the Website, we record and collect certain information about your interaction with the Website, including the IP address from which you access the Website or Service, time and date of access, type of browser used, language used, links clicked, and actions taken while using the Website or Service. We refer to this data as "Analytics Information".


The Business is the data controller of the System Information that it uploads to the Service; Anonybit is merely the data processor for this data.

Information that a Business chooses to upload to the Service could include biometric data, such as a photograph, fingerprint, or other personal identifiers. The Business can also upload other information to be stored and processed by the Service. The Business determines      who can access that information. We refer to this data as “System Information”.

Each Business is the data controller of its System Information. Anonybit processes the System Information only for the provision of the Service to the Business, and for no other purpose.

Anonybit is the data controller of the other information described in this Privacy Policy

Anonybit is the data controller of the other information explained in this Privacy Policy: Contact Information and Analytics Information. We determine the purposes and means of processing that data.


To respond to and handle your inquiry and manage our relationship with the Business

We process your Contact Information to contact you about your inquiry and handle your inquiry, to bill for the Service and manage our engagement with the Business.

To maintain the Website

We process the Analytics Information to provide, maintain and improve your user experience when accessing our Website and Service. We also will use the Analytics Information for quality assurance and for development and enhancement of the Website and Service.

We will use the Analytics Information to prevent fraud, resolve disputes, troubleshoot problems, assist with any investigations, enforce our terms of use for the Website and Service and take other actions otherwise permitted by law.


We will not share your information with third parties, except in the events listed below or when you provide us your explicit and informed consent.

We will process information with our service providers helping us to operate our business.

We will process personal information with the assistance of our service providers who assist us with the internal operations of the Website and Service. These companies are authorized to use your personal information in this context only as necessary to provide these services to us and not for their own promotional purposes.

We will share information with competent authorities, if you abuse your right to use the Service, or violate any applicable law.

If you have abused your rights to use the Website or Service, or violated any applicable law, we will share information with competent authorities and with third parties (such as legal counsels and advisors), for the purpose of handling the violation or breach.

We will share your information if we are legally required.

We will share information if we are required to do so by a judicial, governmental or regulatory authority.

We will share your information with third-parties in any event of change in our structure.

If the operation of our business is organized within a different framework, or through another legal structure or entity (such as due to a merger or acquisition), we will share information only as required to enable the structural change in the operation of the business.


We generally will retain your Contact Information and Analytics Information for the duration needed to support our ordinary business activities.

We will retain Contact Information and Analytics Information for the duration needed to support our ordinary business activities in operating the Website and providing the Service to the Business. Thereafter, we will either anonymize or delete the information, unless we are required to retain such information under applicable law.

Nevertheless, we will retain financial transaction information about bills and charges for the extended period required for financial bookkeeping purposes.

We implement measures to secure your information.

We implement measures to reduce the risks of damage, loss of information and unauthorized access or use of information. These include encryption for data in transit and at rest.


We will internationally transfer information in accordance with applicable data protection laws.

If we transfer your personal data for processing at locations outside your jurisdiction, we will abide by data transfer rules applicable to these situations. If personal data is not allowed to be transferred outside a jurisdiction, we will set up the Service accordingly.



Anonybit’s contact information

The following is the contact information of Anonybit:

Anonybit, Inc.

251 Little Falls Drive

Wilmington, DE 19808


Legal basis under EU law for processing your personal data.

The legal basis under EU law for processing your Contact Information for the purpose of responding to and handling your inquiry, is our legitimate interests in responding to your inquiry.

The legal basis under EU law for processing Analytics Information is our legitimate interest in maintaining, developing and enhancing the Website and the Service.

The legal basis under EU law for processing your Analytics Information for the purpose of handling instances of abusive use of the Website or the Service is our legitimate interests in defending and enforcing against violations and breaches that are harmful to our business.

The legal basis under EU law for processing your information with authorities or where we are legally required to share it, is our legitimate interests in complying with mandatory legal requirements imposed on us.

The legal basis under EU law for processing your information in the event of a change in our corporate structure is our legitimate interests in our business continuity.

You have certain rights to access, update or delete information, obtain a copy of your information, and object or restrict certain data processing activities.

If you are in the EU, you have the following rights under the GDPR:

Right to Access your personal data that we process and receive a copy of it.

Right to Rectify inaccurate personal data we have concerning you and to have incomplete personal data completed.

Right to Data Portability, that is, to receive the personal data that you provided to us, in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format. You have the right to transmit this data to another service provider. Where technically feasible, you have the right that your personal data be transmitted directly from us to the service provider you designate.

Right to Object, based on your particular situation, to using your personal data on the basis of our legitimate interest. However, we may override the objection if we demonstrate compelling legitimate grounds, or for the establishment, exercise of defense of legal claims. You may also object at any time to the use of your personal data for direct marketing purposes.

Right to Restrict the processing your personal data (except for storing it) if you contest the accuracy of your personal data, for a period enabling us to verify its accuracy; if you believe that the processing is unlawful and you oppose the erasure of the personal data and request instead to restrict its use; if we no longer need the personal data for the purposes outlined in this Privacy Policy, but you require them to establish, exercise or defense relating to legal claims, or if you object to processing, pending the verification whether our legitimate grounds for processing override yours.

Right to be Forgotten. Under certain circumstances, such as when you object to us processing your data and we have no compelling legitimate grounds to override your objection, you have the right to ask us to erase your personal data. However, we may still process your personal data if it is necessary to comply with a legal obligation, we are subject to under laws in EU Member States or for the establishment, exercise or defense of legal claims.

If you wish to exercise any of your EU rights for data which we are the Data Controller of, please contact us at:

If you wish to exercise any of your EU rights for data which the Business is the Data Controller of, please contact the Business directly.

We reserve the right to ask for reasonable evidence to verify your identity before we provide you with information. Where we are not able to provide you the information that you have asked for, we will explain the reason for this.

You have a right to submit a complaint to the relevant supervisory data protection authority.

Subject to applicable law, you have the right to lodge a complaint with your local data protection authority. If you are in the EU, then according to Article 77 of the GDPR, you can lodge a complaint to the supervisory authority, in particular in the Member State of your residence, place of work or place of alleged infringement of the GDPR. For a list of supervisory authorities in the EU, click here.


If we change this Privacy Policy, we will make efforts to proactively notify you of such changes.

From time to time, we may change this Privacy Policy. If we do so, we will make efforts to proactively notify you of such changes. In any event, the latest version of the Privacy Policy will always be accessible at


Last Update: June 30, 2021