IAM Managers are on the front lines preventing attackers from accessing accounts and networks, with the constant pressure to enable a good user experience.

But how do you implement a system that reduces friction while reducing risk? Think about the vulnerabilities that exist across an organization’s tech stack. With:

  • Continued reliance on outdated and unsafe use of passwords for authentication
  • Disconnected siloes within the enterprise that contribute to account recovery problems and account takeover fraud
  • Personal data stored in central honeypots that are at risk of a breach

Despite your best efforts, gaps still exist. You need a solution that works for you. 

You need to close the circle of identity. With an end to end platform that connects the entire user journey and does not compromise on user privacy.


Welcome to the Anonybit Genie.

The only end to end passwordless authentication platform that connects the disjointed siloes - from digital onboarding to downstream authentication, protecting access to company networks, customer accounts and digital assets.


Prevents account takeover fraud and protects corporate security

  • State of the art biometric algorithms with built-in liveness detection ensures people are who they claim to be
  • Persistent use of the biometrics captured at digital onboarding in downstream applications prevents attackers from exploiting gaps and using stolen data to impersonate people
  • Single, modular platform supports a variety of use cases including synthetic identity checks, FIDO support, contact center authentication and more

The Anonybit Genie protects your organization against phishing and account takeover attacks, while lowering the costs of managing identity across all service channels.

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Device Independent

Works across devices. Not susceptible to device takeover, unlike traditional solutions that fall back to PINs, and KBA.

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Privacy-By- Design

No central honeypots for maximum data protection. Nothing for hackers to find and nothing for hackers to steal.

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Multiple Use Cases

Supports all modalities and third party-algorithms for different identity management needs across the enterprise.

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Closed Circle of Identity

Connects onboarding to access and account recovery to close the gaps exploited by attackers in the authentication process.


See why these industry leaders see us as their trusted solution for digital security and user privacy.

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Travis Jarae

Founder & CEO of Liminal, the digital identity strategy firm

One to many decentralized matching is an important capability to enhancing the privacy and security of identity systems.

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Dr. Mohamed Lazzouni

Chief Technology Officer at Aware

"Anonybit tackles a key issue for biometric implementations – how to secure the biometric template. In an age of privacy first, their approach promises to address the need for greater data protection and frictionless identity assurance. We are delighted to be partnering with them to deliver privacy-preserving identity management solutions to the market."

Resources on Passwordless Authentication and Decentralized Biometrics for IAM Managers

Decentralized passwordless authentication is key to making IAM work and preventing account takeover.   

In a world where yesterday’s authentication methods are not solving today’s identity management problems, we believe it’s time to re-think how IAM can operate securely.

Our solution is simple: eliminate the need for passwords by utilizing biometrics and protect sensitive personal data on the backend with decentralized storage.Decentrali

Strong passwordless authentication with no central honeypots. Fraudsters can’t steal what they cannot find.

Contact us today and implement decentralized passwordless authentication for your organization.