In today's rapidly evolving cybersecurity landscape, one-time passwords are simply not enough. Enhance them with privacy-preserving biometrics for added security.

One-time passwords have significant vulnerabilities but there are ways to get past the pitfalls by incorporating biometric authentication into the flow.

In the world of authentication, best practices call for two factors (2FA) - something you have, something you know, something you are. Biometrics meets the standard of something you are, which is the strongest factor as an inherent link to an actual identity. By adding biometrics into the OTP flow, it is possible to leverage the benefits of both without causing integration headaches or dramatically changing a user’s experience.


Upgrade your OTP framework to a more secure mechanism - little to no new integration required.

There are significant challenges in adapting strong authentication at the contact center.

There are constant tradeoffs between privacy and security, usability and cost, but at the end of the day, staying with standard OTP is simply leaving your enterprise exposed. The Anonybit Genie makes it easy to upgrade your OTP framework with no major changes to your application framework, leaving you with better security, high user verification accuracy, dependable performance, a consistent and intuitive user experience.


By adding a selfie verification into the OTP flow, almost all of the risks are mitigated and the overall user experience and application flow is maintained.

network background anonybit

Our state of the art decentralized architecture powers the Anonybit Genie to support the entire identity lifecycle - from digital onboarding to downstream authentication - and across all service channels.


See why these industry leaders see us as their trusted solution for digital security and user privacy.

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Travis Jarae

Founder & CEO of Liminal, the digital identity strategy firm

One to many decentralized matching is an important capability to enhancing the privacy and security of identity systems.

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Dr. Mohamed Lazzouni

Chief Technology Officer at Aware

"Anonybit tackles a key issue for biometric implementations – how to secure the biometric template. In an age of privacy first, their approach promises to address the need for greater data protection and frictionless identity assurance. We are delighted to be partnering with them to deliver privacy-preserving identity management solutions to the market."

Augment your OTP with biometrics. Close the gaps that attackers exploit without changing the user experience. 

There are multiple ways to enhance OTPs with biometric authentication. By adding a selfie verification into the OTP flow, almost all of the risks are mitigated. In the world of authentication, best practices call for two factors (2FA) - something you have, something you know, something you are. 

Anonybit allows you to leverage breakthrough decentralized biometrics to enable something you are as the strongest factor of authentication, eliminating the tradeoffs that are typically made between privacy and security. 

Contact us to learn how to implement Anonybit decentralized biometrics for enhancing your OTP flow today.